We offer a dedicated Antenatal Physiotherapy service for any woman who is expecting at any stage of their pregnancy.

For years, discomfort and pain associated with expecting a baby was accepted as a normal part of being pregnant. Mums-to-be should be able to enjoy their pregnancy to the full and now many General Practitioners and Consultants recommend Pregnancy Physiotherapy for relieving the discomfort experienced by pregnant women and helping them prepare the body for an easier delivery and recovery process.

It is possible to reduce and maintain the level of discomfort or pain to a minimum, through proper Pregnancy Physiotherapy Treatments and Pregnancy Physio-led Pilates Classes. Below is a brief description of some of the ante natal issues or service we provide:

Pelvic Floor Muscle exercises

The pelvic floor is a very important part of the human body, particularly for women going through pregnancy. It is highly common for many pregnant women to suffer from an underactive PFM. The pelvic floor is a sling of muscles from the front of the pelvis to the tailbone, supporting numerous organs and helping you control your bladder and bowels. When these muscles are underactive, they become weak, making it harder for them to perform these key functions.

Our physiotherapist can treat this condition with a personalised exercise program to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. They will devise a program specifically for you to carry out during and after your pregnancy. Alternatively, we run a 45-minute Pregnancy Pilates class for women during their pregnancy, held at our well established Pilates studio. This is a brilliant way of ensuring you stick to your exercises while meeting other women in a similar position to yourself. Pregnancy Pilates

We recommend that you stay patient when undergoing treatment as it can take up to 6 weeks before you start seeing any physical changes. But, stay positive and continue doing your exercises, and you will eventually see changes that help you regain the function of your pelvic floor muscles and keep them strong even after vaginal birth. If you want to strengthen your pelvic floor muscle to optimise your birth and recovery experience, book a pregnancy assessment today. You’ll meet with one of our experienced pelvic physiotherapists to help you improve your pelvic floor muscle strength.

Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP) 

PGP is described as any pain occurring in the pelvis (specifically between the iliac crests and the gluteal fold, particularly in the vicinity of the sacroiliac joints). The pain can radiate down the back of the thigh (known as the posterior thigh), and can also occur in conjunction with, or separately in the area between your left pelvic bone and your right pelvic bone, known as the pubic symphysis. This pain can cause a reduced capacity to stand, walk and sit. The good news is that PGP can be successfully managed with pelvic physiotherapy. It is important to have a thorough assessment to determine what is contributing to developing PGP.

TENS Machine Rental 

Did you know? TENS Machines are available to rent at our clinic!

Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation, (TENS) is available to rent at Tralee Physio Clinic.  This is a device that can be used during labour to help distract you from labour pains.  Sticky electrodes are placed on the back which are attached to a small hand held unit. The machine delivers a gentle pins and needles type stimulation to the skin and superficial nerve fibres.  We provide instruction on safe and correct use of TENS.

Please Note: We recommend to contact us a few weeks before your due date if you wish to rent one of our TENS machines

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